A Smooth Ways to a Rude Ways

      Indonesia as Biodiversity State has many problems should be solved. One of the problem that always remain in this country is religion issue to trigger a nation issue such as The Battle of Nahdlatul Ulama and Wahabi. It was not the first time we saw a Cold War between them. One of the point from NU establishment Background is to protect Indonesia from Wahabi that can threat the soveirgnty of Indonesia.
      NU was established on 1926, when Indonesia has colonized from invaders, being a part of freedom fighter so Indonesia can declared his Independence on 17 August 1945. I can say that NU was the mature organitation because their age more can't include a young organitation. In other word I say that NU can solved a problem wisely.
     Wahabi in Indonesia was spread in city town and give a doctrine in underground and their move was so silent. That why we have to make alert of Wahabi because their presence is danger for our wholeness. Wahabi have a mission to divisive Indonesia in many segment. That is because Indonesia stronger in many diversity, as motto of Indonesia Unity in Diversity. A lot of Wahabi rise in Indonesia with a various form, but till  I write my article NU can be winner and make Indonesia safe from a disunity.
     Indonesia was predicted get a bonus demography on 2045, mean that Indonesia has a large of young population than other country. But it can be harm if Indonesia can't manage that bonus of young generation. As we know, Young Generation is the generation that have many good ideas and make something better include a nation.
     Now, Wahabi try to getting closer with young generation in various ways. One of the way is make a marriage agency between wahabi people. This one of the way to make a lot of Wahabi in future, and also on 2045. It can be alert for young Nahdlatul Ulama people to prepare a fight to maintain Indonesia from a threat. We have to educate people about the danger of Wahabi and not to join to their group. Because Wahabi make a very smooth way to persuate young people to doctrine their ideology. After people join to their group, they will teach a hate about the nation such as about nation ideology, the president, the goverment and many parts of nation. If people have been doctrined by Wahabi Ideology, then Wahabi will trigger them to make a rebellion. We must remember that the first time Wahabi ask join to their group in various ways and in very very smooth ways. And after a smooth way, they doctrine a hate of the nation, or a smooth ways for a rude ways.
